Friday, February 10, 2017


This is an offering and word of encouragement for the intercessors who have been hidden in His hand, and are now rising up in great power and authority. He is enthralled with us and breathes in the aroma and incense of the sacrifice of our hearts poured out before Him. We are bearing fruit! Hallelujah!
The Word and the Blood are all that you need
One is the life, the other the seed.
To see things spring forth that never have been
takes both to be working in darkness within.
Just as there is soil that covers the earth.
Just as there’s a womb, dark and warm, before birth,
Just as there is nightfall that comes before dawn,
A deep cloak of darkness, then the light’s turned on;
So now, though the world in deep darkness is stumbling,
Groping for the light, tripping, falling and tumbling,
I’ll be there to catch those who reach out for Me.
I promise you love—that the blind ones will see.
And KNOW that those whom I have put on your heart
Are also on Mine; they’re the ones set apart.
And so as you mourn for them, cry out and weep,
It truly is this- Deep is calling to Deep.
For as I reside in you, deep, dark within
You are in My tomb with Me, burdened by sin,
Awaiting the moment the stone’s rolled away
When you can announce “It is HERE! The NEW DAY!”
Then you will arise with Me, clothed in My glory.
Then you will ascend with Me, part of the story
That will be retold and retold o’er again.
A story that starts, “Do you remember when…?
But then this thing happened and then we broke through!
We found out there’s NOTHING our GOD cannot do!”
So this is the longing that makes your heart cry
With the moans of a mourning dove, gentle, you sigh.
By you I am moved to compassion and grace.
Because you have wept, people will see My face.
Because you have joined me in this, My desire,
I will touch the earth with you filled with My fire.
Because you have faced what looked like certain death
I will blow My wind through you; they’ll feel My breath.
Because you have walked through the vales and the flood,
I will give to you those things I bought with My blood.
And you will distribute them, like loaves and fishes,
To the hungry multitude, filled with just wishes.
But then they’ll be filled with the faith to move mountains,
And they will go forth as My torches and fountains!
 My torches and fountains, My Word and My Blood!
Nothing can withstand Me; just like Noah’s flood
I will cover the earth as the waters the sea!
The earth WILL be FILLED with the KNOWLEDGE OF ME!!!
For that’s what you long for, the cry of your soul
To see what is broken be made new and whole.
MY dear, please be comforted now in this knowing
That in your own womb this new thing is now growing
And will soon spring forth into the light of day.
Our groaning together breaks open the way!


  1. Beautiful, Nancy and Holy Spirit! :)

  2. Nancy, thank you so much for this. It's true. God deeply loves His intercessors and a new day is dawning. We are breaking through! God bless you for this encouragement.

  3. Wonderful word! I needed to read this. Blessings to you and your family!
